Contacto Floral

A colorful arrangement of flowers, including red roses, yellow daisies, orange and purple blooms, is surrounded by scattered red and purple rose petals on a light wooden floor. The bouquet includes green leaves and small white baby's breath flowers.
A colorful arrangement of flowers, including red roses, yellow daisies, orange and purple blooms, is surrounded by scattered red and purple rose petals on a light wooden floor. The bouquet includes green leaves and small white baby's breath flowers.

Estamos aquí para ayudarte con tus arreglos florales. Contáctanos y te responderemos pronto.


Estamos ubicados en Lima, Perú, ofreciendo arreglos florales únicos con rosas de cinta satinada, foamy, seda y preservadas.


Av Malecon Rimac 2310 S.M.P


Lunes a Viernes 9AM - 6PM